
datatable is an open-source project released under the Mozilla Public License v2. Open source projects live by their user and developer communities. We welcome and encourage your contributions of any kind!

No matter what your skill set or level of engagement is with datatable, you can help others by improving the ecosystem of documentation, bug report and feature request tickets, and code.

We invite anyone who is interested to contribute, whether through pull requests, tests, GitHub issues, feature suggestions, or even generic discussion.

If you have questions about using datatable, post them on Stack Overflow using the [py-datatable] tag.

Preparing local copy of datatable repository

If this is the first time you’re contributing to datatable, then follow these steps in order to set up your local development environment:

  1. Make sure you have command-line tools git and make installed. You should also have a text editor or an IDE of your choice.

  2. Go to and click the “fork” button in the top right corner. You may need to create a GitHub account if you don’t have one already.

  3. Clone the repository on your local computer:

    $ git clone
  4. Lastly, add the original datatable repository as the upstream:

    $ cd datatable $ git remote add upstream $ git fetch upstream $ git config branch.main.remote upstream $ git config branch.main.merge refs/heads/main

This completes the setup of your local datatable fork. Make sure to note the location of the datatable/ directory that you created in step 3. You will need to return there when issuing any subsequent git commands detailed futher.

Creating a contribution

Start by fetching any changes that might have occurred since the last time you were working with the repository:

$ git checkout main $ git pull

Then create a new local branch where you will be working on your changes. The name of the branch should be a short identifier that will help you recognize what this branch is about. It’s a good idea to prefix the branch name with your initials so that it doesn’t conflict with branches from other developers:

$ git checkout -b your_branch_name

After this it is time to make the desired changes to the project. There are separate guides on how to work with documentation and how to work with core code changes. It is also a good idea to commit the code frequently, using git add and git commit changes.

Note: While many projects ask for detailed and informative commit messages, we don’t. Our policy is to squash all commits when merging a pull request, and therefore the only detailed message that is needed is the PR description.

When you think your proposed change is ready, verify that everything is in order by running git status – it should say “nothing to commit, working tree clean”. At this point the changes need to be pushed into the “origin”, which is your repository fork:

$ git push origin your_branch_name

Then go back to the GitHub website to your fork of the datatable repository There you should see a pop-up that notifies about the changes pushed to your_branch_name. There will also be a green button “Compare & pull request”. Pressing that button you will see an “Open a pull request” form.

When opening a pull request, make sure to provide an informative title and a detailed description of the proposed changes. If the pull request directly addresses one of the issues, make sure to note that in the text of the PR description.

Make sure the checkbox “Allow edits by maintainers” is turned on, and then press “Create pull request”.

At this point your Pull Request will be scheduled for review at the main datatable repository. Once reviewed, you may be asked to change something, in which case you can make the necessary modifications locally, then commit and push them.