
Added in version 0.11

Round the values in cols up to the specified number of the digits of precision ndigits. If the number of digits is omitted, rounds to the nearest integer.

Generally, this operation is equivalent to:

rint(col * 10**ndigits) / 10**ndigits

where function rint() rounds to the nearest integer.



Input data for rounding. This could be an expression yielding either a single or multiple columns. The round() function will apply to each column independently and produce as many columns in the output as there were in the input.

Only numeric columns are allowed: boolean, integer or float. An exception will be raised if cols contains a non-numeric column.

int | None

The number of precision digits to retain. This parameter could be either positive or negative (or None). If positive then it gives the number of digits after the decimal point. If negative, then it rounds the result up to the corresponding power of 10.

For example, 123.45 rounded to ndigits=1 is 123.4, whereas rounded to ndigits=-1 it becomes 120.0.


f-expression that rounds the values in its first argument to the specified number of precision digits.

Each input column will produce the column of the same stype in the output; except for the case when ndigits is None and the input is either float32 or float64, in which case an int64 column is produced (similarly to python’s round()).


Values that are exactly half way in between their rounded neighbors are converted towards their nearest even value. For example, both 7.5 and 8.5 are rounded into 8, whereas 6.5 is rounded as 6.

Rounding integer columns may produce unexpected results for values that are close to the min/max value of that column’s storage type. For example, when an int8 value 127 is rounded to nearest 10, it becomes 130. However, since 130 cannot be represented as int8 a wrap-around occurs and the result becomes -126.

Rounding an integer column to a positive ndigits is a noop: the column will be returned unchanged.

Rounding an integer column to a large negative ndigits will produce a constant all-0 column.