Fread Examples

This function is capable of reading data from a variety of input formats (text files, plain text, files embedded in archives, excel files, …), producing a Frame as the result. You can even read in data from the command line.

See fread() for all the available parameters.

Note: If you wish to read in multiple files, use iread(); it returns an iterator of Frames.

Read Data

  • Read from text file:

    from datatable import dt, fread
    result = fread('iris.csv')
        sepal_length    sepal_width     petal_length    petal_width     species
    0   5.1                 3.5             1.4             0.2         setosa
    1   4.9                 3               1.4             0.2         setosa
    2   4.7                 3.2             1.3             0.2         setosa
    3   4.6                 3.1             1.5             0.2         setosa
    4   5                   3.6             1.4             0.2         setosa
  • Read text data directly:

    data = ('col1,col2,col3\n'
    col1  col2  col3
     a     b     1
     a     b     2
     a     b     3
  • Read from a url:

    url = ""
  • Read from an archive:

If there are multiple files, only the first will be read; you can specify the path to the specific file you are interested in:


Note: Use iread() if you wish to read in multiple files in an archive; an iterator of Frames is returned.

  • Read from .xls or .xlsx files


For excel files, you can specify the sheet to be read:

  • xlrd must be installed to read in excel files.

  • Use iread() if you wish to read in multiple sheets; an iterator of Frames is returned.

  • Read in data from the command line. Simply pass the command line statement to the cmd parameter:

    #You specify the `cmd` parameter
    #Here we filter data for the year 2015
    fread(cmd = """cat netflix.tsv | awk 'NR==1; /^2015-/'""")

The command line can be very handy with large data; you can do some of the preprocessing before reading in the data to datatable.

Detect Thousand Separator

Fread handles thousand separator, with the assumption that the separator is a ,:

data = """Name|Salary|Position


    Name    Salary  Position
0   James   256000  evangelist
1   Ragnar  1000000 conqueror
2   Loki    250360  trickster

Specify the Delimiter

You can specify the delimiter via the sep parameter. Note that the separator must be a single character string; non-ASCII characters are not allowed as the separator, as well as any characters in ["'`0-9a-zA-Z]:

data = """

fread(data, sep=":")

    C0      C1      C2      C3
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      12

Dealing with Null Values and Blank Rows

You can pass a list of values to be treated as null, via the na_strings parameter:

data = """
       365-DQC|33.5|Credit card
       789-KPO|56.9|Bank Transfer

fread(data, na_strings=['--', ''])

    ID          Charges  Payment_Method
0   634-VHG     28       Cheque
1   365-DQC     33.5     Credit card
2   264-PPR     631      NA
3   845-AJO     42.3     NA
4   789-KPO     56.9     Bank Transfer

For rows with less values than in other rows, you can set fill=True; fread will fill with NA:

data = ('a,b,c,d\n'

fread(data, fill=True)

    a       b       c       d
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      NA

You can skip empty lines:

data = ('a,b,c,d\n'

fread(data, skip_blank_lines=True)

    a       b       c       d
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      12

Dealing with Column Names

If the data has no headers, fread will assign default column names:

data = ('1,2\n'


    C0      C1
0   1       2
1   3       4

You can pass in column names via the columns parameter:

fread(data, columns=['A','B'])

    A       B
0   1       2
1   3       4

You can change column names:

data = ('a,b,c,d\n'

fread(data, columns=["A","B","C","D"])

    A       B       C       D
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      12

You can change some of the column names via a dictionary:

fread(data, columns={"a":"A", "b":"B"})

    A       B       c       d
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      12

Fread uses heuristics to determine whether the first row is data or not; occasionally it may guess incorrectly, in which case, you can set the header parameter to False:

fread(data,  header=False)

    C0      C1      C2      C3
0   a       b       c       d
1   1       2       3       4
2   5       6       7       8
3   9       10      11      12

You can pass a new list of column names as well:

fread(data,  header=False, columns=["A","B","C","D"])

    A       B       C       D
0   a       b       c       d
1   1       2       3       4
2   5       6       7       8
3   9       10      11      12

Row Selection

Fread has a skip_to_line parameter, where you can specify what line to read the data from:

data = ('skip this line\n'

fread(data, skip_to_line=2)

    a       b       c       d
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      12

You can also skip to a line containing a particular string with the skip_to_string parameter, and start reading data from that line. Note that skip_to_string and skip_to_line cannot be combined; you can only use one:

data = ('skip this line\n'
        'first, second, third, last\n'

fread(data, skip_to_string='first')

    first   second  third   last
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8
2   9       10      11      12

You can set the maximum number of rows to read with the max_nrows parameter:

data = ('a,b,c,d\n'

fread(data, max_nrows=2)

    a       b       c       d
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8

data = ('skip this line\n'

fread(data, skip_to_line=2, max_nrows=2)

    a       b       c       d
0   1       2       3       4
1   5       6       7       8

Setting Column Type

You can determine the data types via the columns parameter:

data = ('a,b,c,d\n'

#this is useful when you are interested in only a subset of the columns
fread(data, columns={"a":dt.float32, "b":dt.str32})

You can also pass in the data types by position:

fread(data, columns = (stype.int32, stype.str32, stype.float32))

You can also change all the column data types with a single assignment:

fread(data, columns = dt.float32)

You can change the data type for a slice of the columns:

#this changes the data type to float for the first three columns
fread(data, columns={float:slice(3)})

Note that there are a small number of stypes within datatable (int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, str32, str64, obj64, bool8)

Selecting Columns

There are various ways to select columns in fread :

  • Select with a dictionary:

        data = ('a,b,c,d\n'
        #pass ``Ellipsis : None`` or ``... : None``,
        #to discard any columns that are not needed
        fread(data, columns={"a":"a", ... : None})
    0   1
    1   5
    2   9

Selecting via a dictionary makes more sense when selecting and renaming columns at the same time.

  • Select columns with a set:

    fread(data, columns={"a","b"})
        a       b
    0   1       2
    1   5       6
    2   9       10
  • Select range of columns with slice:

    #select the second and third column
    fread(data, columns=slice(1,3))
        b       c
    0   2       3
    1   6       7
    2   10      11
    #select the first column
    #jump two hoops and
    #select the third column
    fread(data, columns = slice(None,3,2))
        a       c
    0   1       3
    1   5       7
    2   9       11
  • Select range of columns with range:

    fread(data, columns = range(1,3))
        b       c
    0   2       3
    1   6       7
    2   10      11
  • Boolean Selection:

    fread(data, columns=[False, False, True, True])
        c       d
    0   3       4
    1   7       8
    2   11      12
  • Select with a list comprehension:

    fread(data, columns=lambda cols:[ in ("a","c") for col in cols])
        a       c
    0   1       3
    1   5       7
    2   9       11
  • Exclude columns with None:

    fread(data, columns = ['a',None,None,'d'])
        a       d
    0   1       4
    1   5       8
    2   9       12
  • Exclude columns with list comprehension:

    fread(data, columns=lambda cols:[ not in ("a","c") for col in cols])
        b       d
    0   2       4
    1   6       8
    2   10      12
  • Drop columns by assigning None to the columns via a dictionary:

    data = ("A,B,C,D\n"
    fread(data, columns={"B":None,"D":None})
        A       C
    0   1       5
    1   2       6
  • Drop a column and change data type:

    fread(data, columns={"B":None, "C":str})
        A       C       D
    0   1       5       7
    1   2       6       8
  • Change column name and type, and drop a column:

     #pass a tuple, where the first item in the tuple is the new column name,
     #and the other item is the new data type.
    fread(data, columns={"A":("first", float), "B":None,"D":None})
        first   C
    0   1       5
    1   2       6

With list comprehensions, you can dynamically select columns:

#select columns that have length, and species column
  #use a boolean list comprehension to get the required columns
  columns = lambda cols : [('species')
                           or ("length" in
                           for col in cols],

  sepal_length      petal_length    species
0   5.1                 1.4         setosa
1   4.9                 1.4         setosa
2   4.7                 1.3         setosa
3   4.6                 1.5         setosa
4   5                   1.4         setosa

#select columns by position
       columns = lambda cols : [ind in (1,4) for ind, col in enumerate(cols)],

    sepal_length    petal_length    petal_width
0   5.1                     1.4         0.2
1   4.9                     1.4         0.2
2   4.7                     1.3         0.2
3   4.6                     1.5         0.2
4   5                       1.4         0.2